the 5th form

ex.7p.47 Students Book

Native Town.
I was born in Lida. Lida is one of the oldest towns in Belarus. It was founded in the 14th century. The name of the town is connected with the Slavic word “Lada”. Lida was first mentioned in a chronicale in 1380. Lida is not large. Its population is more than 100 thousand people. Our town is a great industrial and railway centre. There are many factories and plants here: the Footwear Factory, the Plant of Electric Wares, the Plant of agricultural machines, the Milk Plant, the plant of food concentration and other. The production of our town is known all over the world. The central street in our town is Soviet Street. This street is not wide and modem but it is clean and green. Here you can see Churches, a music school, a technical

college, bank and many shops. There is an ancient built in the 13 century. There are two wonderful monuments in Lida to Fr. Scaryna and Adam Mitskevich. There is the Mound of Immortality in Lida. I like to walk here. There is a nice Ice Palace and two stadiums in Lida. I think my town is famous not only for its beauty but for its hospitable and hard - working people. Our people are friendly. I love my town very much.


Television nowadays has become one of the most important mass media.  It informs, educates and entertains people. It influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views. In other words, mass media, and especially television, mould public opinion.
 Millions of people like to watch TV in their spare time.  The TV set now is not just a piece of furniture. It is someone who is one of the families. There are two viewpoints on television.  Some people think that television is doing a lot of harm.  People begin to forget how to occupy their free time.  It prevents them from communicating with each other, from visiting friends, or relatives. And indeed, people used to have hobbies, they used to go outside for amusements to the theatres, cinemas, sporting events. They used to read books and listen to music.  Now all free time is given to television.
 But there are a lot of people who consider TV to be helpful because it gives us a lot of information.  We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day. We can see famous people, great events that will pass into history.Television gives wonderful possibilities for education: you can take a TV course in history, economy, in learning foreign languages and in many other subjects.
 Television brings the world in your living-rooms. We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn their customs, occupations, and problems. TV gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. To crown it all, TV simply helps us to relax after a hard day's work, giving a great variety of entertaining and musical programs.

 Still, it's not a good thing for children to be glued to the TV screen all day long.  It's very harmful for their health and for developing personalities, because children prefer low-standard hits, horror films or banal serials.  All this by no means contributes to what we call making a personality

Видео Мадагаскар

Словарь "проблемных" английских слов и фраз:

a babycakes – пупсик (разг.)
siree – ммм... нуу... да (сленг)
No siree! – Нет!
bad luck – невезение, неудача, плохая примета
to blab out – разболтать (разг.)
wild – дикая природа, воля 
psychotic – психотический. В данном случае переводится как психопаты.
a space – пространство, территория
Central Station – Центральный Вокзал в Нью–Йорке
Just hypothetically. – Чисто гипотетически.
 Lyme disease – Болезнь Лайма (инфекционное заболевание, передаваемое клещами. Было зарегистрировано в небольшом городке Лайм, штат Коннектикут)
.highly refined – высококачественный
schmutz – грязь (разг.) В данном случае переводится как крем, т.к. по сюжету Марти ел пирожное и весь испачкался в креме.

Список встречающихся в эпизоде английских сокращений:

let's = let us – давай, давайте (используется в повелительном наклонении как призыв к совместному действию)
can't = cannot
I'll = I shall/will 
I've = I have
doesn't = does not
don't = do not
that's = that is 
wanna = want to – используется при неформальном общении. Образовано от глагола "to want" – хотеть, желать.

3. Задание на дом

Вставьте пропущенные слова.

Проверь себя!!!
– Let's go, let's make a wish babycakes.
– Come on, what did you wish for?
– No, can't tell you that.
– Come on, tell! No siree, I'm telling you! It is bad luck! You want some bad luck? I'll blab it out, but if youwanna be safe I'll keep my mouth shut.
– Ah, Marty would you just tell us? I mean really, what could happen?
– Okay. I wished I could go to the wild!
– The wild! Wow!
– I told you it was bad luck!
– The wild? Are you nuts? That is the worst idea, I've ever heard.
– It's unsanitary.
– The penguins are going, so why can't I?
– The penguins are psychotic.
– Come on! Just imagine going back to nature. Back to your roots, clean air, wide open spaces!
– Well, I hear they have wide open spaces in Connecticut.
– Connecticut?
– Yeah, what you got to do is you gotta go over Grand Central. And then you gotta take the metro north train. North?
– So one could take the train? Just hypothetically.
– Marty, come on! What would Connecticut have to offer us?
– Lyme disease. 
– Thank you, Melman.
– No, no, really–really I just wanna...
– You certainly don't have this in the wild...
– But–but–but–but...
– ...this is highly refined type of food thing, that you do not find in the wild.
– You ever thought it might be more to life, than steak, Alex?
– He didn't mean that baby. No, no, no.
– Doesn't it bother you, guys, that you don't know anything about life outside of this zoo?
– Nuh–uh...
– Nope.
– Well.. I mean.. Come on...That's just one subject. You got a... You got a little schmutz right there on your ...
– Thanks, guys. Thanks for the party. It was great! Really.

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